In establishing the fee structure, the ACGC Board of Directors, in collaboration with the Finance Committee, reviewed the fees charged by other accrediting agencies for comparable healthcare professions, in order to align with accreditation best practices. The fees outlined below took effect January 1, 2023.

The ACGC Board has the sole discretion and authority in determining and assessing fees.

Accredited Program Fees - Routine

Annual maintenance fee for accreditation: includes review of annual Report of Current Status, routine requests to ACGC throughout the year, and review of Self-Study and Site Visit Report at the time of reaccreditation. *Due June 15th


  • Accredited – $5,500
  • Accredited, New Program – $6,000
  • Probationary Accreditation – $6,000

Fee for any site visit to the program (routine or additional): includes costs associated with preparation for site visit, travel to/from program, preparation of documents following the visit. *Due on or before June 15th


  • <30 students – $5,000
  • ≥30 students – $7,000

Accredited Program Fees - Additional

Fee for review of Substantive Change Application: includes review of application and submitted documentation, and determination. *Due at the time of application submission

Amount: $2,000

Fee for request for guidance regarding one Standard: includes review of request and determination *Due upon receipt

Amount: $150

Fee for request of variance for one Standard: includes review of request and documentation, and determination *Due upon receipt

Amount: $500

Fee for submission of additional documentation: includes review of documentation that must be submitted by the program to meet special requirements set forth by the Board (e.g., non-compliance). Does not apply to programs on probation. *Due at the time of submission

Amount: $150

Fee for late documentation: include review of any required/requested documentation that is submitted more than 7 calendar days beyond due date. *Due at the time of late submission

Amount: $500

Developing Program Fees

Fee for review of Application for Candidacy: includes review of application and submitted documentation, and determination of Candidacy status. *Due at the time of submission

Amount: $4,500

Fee to maintain active Candidacy status: includes review of required/requested documentation during period of Candidacy and routine requests to ACGC throughout the year. *Assessed every 12-months following achievement of Candidacy Status until a final determination is rendered about the New Program application; due on or before June 15th.

Amount: $4,000

Fee to review New Program Application: includes review of application and submitted documents, and determination. *Due at the time of submission

Amount: $7,000